AIZAWL: The Mizoram government has mopped up revenue of over Rs 8 crore from stamp duties and land registration fees in the first eight months of the current fiscal, an official said. During a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Lalduhoma on Thursday to review the initiatives of Land Revenue and Settlement and Food, Civil Supplies and Consumers Affairs (FCS&CA) departments, revenue secretary Vanlalmawia said that a total of Rs 8.58 crore was collected from stamp duties and land registration fees till November in the current fiscal.
In February, the state assembly passed the Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Bill, 2024, which seeks to hike stamp duty from 1 per cent to 3 per cent of the property.
The stamp duty is levied for the purchase of land or house plots, bank mortgages and gifts, according to Land Revenue and Settlement Minister B. Lalchhanzova.
Vanlalmawia said the government is also exploring the feasibility of setting up a revenue court in the state.
Apart from the Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) area, an online tax payment system will be introduced in all the districts from the next fiscal, he said.
The online tax payment system was introduced in the AMC area in 2022.
According to the senior official, the revenue department is preparing a Record of Rights (RoR), a legal document containing all necessary information about a land parcel, including ownership, to substitute the Land Settlement Certificate (LSC).
He said that 3,59,331 RoRs have been computerised and 1,155 digitally signed property cards, as well as 94,154 land parcel identification numbers, have been issued so far.