Curd with sugar Vs Curd with salt: Eating curd with sugar vs curd with salt: Which is healthier? |- Homevior

Curd is an important part of Indian cuisine. The importance of curd in food can be measured from the fact that it is a side dish in almost every other Indian food. Be it paratha or rice dal, a bowl of curd is definitely there.
Commonly curd is eaten by adding sugar or salt to it. Sweet curd is eaten by adding sugar crystals to fresh curd (this is different from mishti doi).Some people prefer eating curd with salt. Usually a little salt is added to fresh curd, which is sometimes accompanied by a pinch of cumin powder, or sometimes freshly chopped or diced vegetables like cucumbers, carrots and beets are also added.

So, let’s discuss which of the two methods of eating curd is healthier and why.

With sugar, curd becomes more palatable

Curd, also known as yogurt, is a dairy product that offers numerous health benefits. It is rich in calcium, protein, vitamins (especially B12), and probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria for gut health. When sweetened with sugar, whether natural or added, curd becomes a more palatable option for many people, especially those with a sweet tooth.
Adding sugar increases the calorie content of curd, which might be beneficial for individuals needing more energy or those with higher caloric requirements. Sugar enhances the taste of curd, making it more appealing to those who find plain curd too tart or sour.

Excessive sugar consumption is linked to various health issues such as obesity, dental problems, and increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes. Therefore, moderation is key.

Salt increase the sodium content in curd

Curd with salt is a more savory option, commonly preferred in cuisines around the world. It offers a different flavor profile and can be used in savory dishes or consumed as a side dish.
Salt increases the sodium content of curd. While sodium is essential for bodily functions, excessive intake can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and cardiovascular problems, especially in individuals with predisposing conditions.
The savory taste of salted curd can enhance satiety, potentially helping individuals feel fuller for longer periods.
Regardless of whether curd is sweetened or salted, it retains its probiotic benefits, which are crucial for gut health and immune function.

Which one of these is healthier?

The healthiness of curd with sugar versus salt largely depends on personal dietary preferences and health goals. Individuals with diabetes or those trying to manage their weight might prefer unsweetened or lightly sweetened curd.

Both sugar and salt should be consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of either can lead to health problems. It’s important to be mindful of overall dietary balance and to incorporate a variety of foods for optimal nutrition.
People with specific health conditions such as hypertension or diabetes should consult with healthcare professionals to determine which option aligns best with their dietary needs.

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