CHANDIGARH: A total of Rs 52 crore in dues are pending as rent from the allottees of the Small Flats Scheme. The flats were allotted by the Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB).
In all, 13,174 defaulters have not paid the monthly rent regularly since occupying the small flats, resulting in approximately Rs 52 crores in dues, according to a CHB official.
The list of allottees with outstanding dues has been uploaded on the CHB’s website. The outstanding dues can be paid online at www(dot)chbonline(dot)in or at any of the Sampark Centres.
The CHB allotted about 18,138 flats under the Small Flats Scheme, including 2,000 flats under the Affordable Rental Housing Complex Scheme.
These flats are intended for the occupation of the allottees and their families on a monthly licence fee (rent) basis. They cannot be sold, sub-let, transferred, or handed over to other persons.