LUCKNOW: Urban development minister AK Sharma said that as on Dec 30, 2024, out of 17,76,823 sanctioned houses in Uttar Pradesh under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), 16,71,083 houses have been completed which translates to approximately 95% of the sanctioned houses.
“The work of providing benefits of PMAY (Urban) to the needy is being done with transparency and sincerity. Home is not just four walls and a roof. It is the place where one dreams of one’s future and we have worked to make the dreams of the poor come true. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the BJP govt is working for people of every section,” he said.
He said that with affordable housing, families were able to save money on rent and invest in their children’s education and health. “The scheme has also promoted economic equality, enabling people from all sections of society to own their homes and live together,” the minister said.
“PMAY (Urban) has been instrumental in empowering women, with a mandatory provision for female head of the family to be the owner or co-owner of the house. This has not only given women a sense of security but also encouraged them to explore livelihood opportunities and contribute to their family’s income,” he said.
“The scheme faced challenges in initial stages, especially before the Yogi Adityanath govt came to power in Uttar Pradesh. Since 2017, the state govt has worked tirelessly to implement the scheme, and the results are evident,” he said.
The minister said that the govt was committed to completing the remaining 5% of the project soon.